as long as you like my voice on the phone
as long as you laugh at my non-funny
as long as you dream about me
closing your
making love
hating badly all my
as long as you think that i am more than you think
as long as you don't hurt me
loving the wrong thing in me
as long as you dont trust me with your heart or your friend
as long as you trust me with your heart. not trying to
as long as you are team ME.
as long as you are not afraid of having
then we'll get along.
We'll get along just fine
O. wow.
tak długo jak budziliśmy się rano dzwoniąc jedno do drugiego i po godzinie, z odciśniętym uchem od telefonu wstawaliśmy
OdpowiedzUsuńtak długo jak tak rano było słuchać ptaki, a żeby nie trzymać telefonu.. leżąc na boku kładło się słuchawkę na uchu
tak długo jak pamiętam dwa razy przesłuchaną płytę CD będąc Razem w wannie. Jak się kręciło w głowie od wina i ciepłej wody 160min
simple and sensitive.
OdpowiedzUsuńI don't know whether you wrote this text, but that's an high quality. It's just essential.
thanks for providing it...
that's like lyrics from the song "Stay" by Bono arranged by Craig Amstrong
Simply I like it
of course it's mine :)
OdpowiedzUsuńthank you!
to ja robie muzyke i nagrywamy. piękne Orian.
OdpowiedzUsuńwygladasz troche jak joanna osyda!