but why?
i never do that. i never
i just stop for a while
like a car in the middle of the street.
i am all i ever wanted to be.
minus the tears
It might sound cliché,
'everyone has a fear'
It's not even a question
who's right who's
god, i hate to cry
Does fear of being the weak one make you stronger?
OdpowiedzUsuńIsn't the inner weakness really the true strength?
is there a road...? Road to be free..?? life is not a box .........
OdpowiedzUsuńBox is not the life...
Don't be afraid... sometimes tears will set you free:):):)
King regards
Eddie from Glasgow
Podglądam od dłuższego czasu i nie chcę widzieć końca.
OdpowiedzUsuń-ZTKa :)